American College of Surgeons

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What is the American College of Surgeons?

American College of Surgeons

Another suggestion when searching for an experienced ophthalmologist is to look to the American College of Surgeons. The American College of Surgeons is a scientific and educational association of surgeons that began in 1913. It was founded to improve the quality care of patients by setting high standards for surgeons.

Members of the American College of Surgeons are referred to as "Fellows". The letters FACS (Fellow, American College of Surgeons) after a surgeon's name means the following about that surgeon: he or she has passed a rigorous evaluation and their training, education, qualifications, competence, and ethics are of the highest standard that have been established by the American College of Surgeons.

If you are searching for a an eye surgeon and want one you know is experienced or extremely qualified, look for FACS after his name.



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