Getting ready For Surgery: Refractive

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How Do I Prepare for Refractive Surgery?

Getting ready For Surgery: Refractive

As with any surgery, refractive surgery has guidelines to follow prior to the procedure.

If you wear make-up, make sure you do not wear any for three days prior to surgery.

Make sure you have a driver arranged to drive you home following the procedure.

If you wear hard or gas permeable contact lenses, you should avoid wearing them for three weeks prior to surgery.

If you wear soft contact lenses or disposable lenses, they should not be worn for two weeks prior to surgery.

You will need to have had a complete eye exam by the surgeon doing your procedure.

You should wash your face with a mild soap before the procedure.

Avoid medications or alcohol that cause drowsiness.

Fill any prescriptions given to you by your eye surgeon prior to the procedure.

Expect to meet with your surgeon the day of your surgery, shortly before the procedure.

Your eye surgeon may offer more suggestions for preparing yourself for refractive eye surgery. Please follow his instructions carefully.



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