Refractive Surgery and Dry Eye

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I have dry eyes. Can I still have refractive surgery?

Refractive Surgery and Dry Eye

Patients with dry eyes may not be good candidates for refractive surgery because the dryness may make it harder to heal afterwards, and may even get worse. Particularly, people with medical conditions that get in the way of tear production (Sjogren's syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis are two of the most common) are usually not considered good refractive surgery candidates.

Mild dry eye problems can be treated with medication and eye drops, so if you have dry eyes, consult your optometrist. You may still be a candidate for refractive eye surgery. However, if your eyes are now so dry that you cannot wear contact lenses, it may be worthwhile to wait a while. Refractive surgery treatments that are now in experimental and testing stages may be more suitable for you.



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