October 20, 2006, Newsletter Issue #36: Questions for the LASIK Surgeon

Tip of the Week

The success of LASIK, as with any other surgical procedure, starts with choosing the right LASIK surgeon. It's the same as shopping for a pair of eyeglasses--except, of course, that you want to scratch the specs.

When you're choosing a LASIK surgeon, bring a list of questions --this is good advice for any medical procedure. Some important questions for your LASIK surgeon:

* How long have you been performing LASIK surgery?

* How many refractive and custom LASIK surgeries have you performed, especially procedures like mine?

* What percent of your patients receive 20/20 vision or better?

* Can I achieve 20/20 if I have myopia, astigmatism or hyperopia?

* What's the margin for error in this procedure?

* What kinds of complications, for example, dry eyes, starbursts, "haloes," fluctuations, blurring of distance vision, and so forth, occur and how soon do they disappear?

* When do you decline a surgery procedure? How many procedures have you declined?

* What kind of laser do you recommend for my eyes and what are the advantages?

* Will you perform a wavefront technology diagnostic? (Hint: The answer should be yes.)

* What was the worst surgery outcome you experienced and how was it handled?

* What percentage of LASIK patients require enhancement or corrective procedures after surgery and what are the results?

* What will my vision be like after surgery and how long will it take to recover?

* When can I resume normal activities and what activities should I avoid?

* Will my eyes be completely examined before and after the procedure?

* What might prevent me from having the results I want?

* What is the cost and does it include pre- and post-op visits/exams?

* How many post-op visits does the cost include?

You may also ask to talk to patients who have had the procedure and have had complications similar to what the LASIK doctor predicts you might have. While there's the issue of doctor-patient confidentiality, it's worth a try. You have the right and the responsibility to ask questions before your LASIK procedure.

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